Our Irish Terrier Meggie had already been given animonda GranCarno dog food by the breeder. Because she tolerated the food so well and loved to eat it, we have kept buying it. Her favourite variety is “Pure Lamb”. She also loves the Meat Chunks and Dental Sticks so we always need to have them at hand! animonda has the right specially formulated food for dogs of all ages, as well as special diets for specific needs. After a case of diarrhoea, we can recommend Integra Protect Intestinal, a dog food that is gentle on the stomach and intestinal tract and that prepares the dog for eating again. It is especially praiseworthy that there is no added sugar and no artificial colouring or flavouring in the animonda products. We are very satisfied with the animonda dog food and can highly recommend it!
Kerstin with Meggie