We belong together

Sometimes it is not easy to keep a healthy balance between your everyday life and the needs of your pets. This can involve all sorts of challenges, and there is not always an immediate solution. Sadly, this is one of the reasons why pets are given away or abandoned. 
Under the motto “We belong together”, we are promoting true loyalty and friendship. Our message: You and your pet are a team and a family. Please do not ever forget that your little friend is there for you unconditionally! Even if things are not always easy, together with your four-legged friend you will be able to master any challenge! 
animonda is asking all dog and cat owners to post pictures on Instagram under the hashtag #WirGehörenZusammen! to show how wonderful life with pets can be.

Everyday working life with a pet

Balancing your everyday working life with the needs of your pet is not always easy. During the lockdown, many of us worked from home. However, normal office life is gradually returning and this can present new challenges. 

What should I do with my pet if I am not able to work from home? Am I even allowed to take my pet with me into the office and if so, what is the best way to prepare for this? How can I keep my pet occupied when I am working from home? We have put together some useful information for you to ensure that your everyday working life with your pet is a success. And the same applies here: together you can master any challenge!

A dog in the office

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Taking your pet with you on holiday – how to prepare successfully

Good preparation is important – not only when you want to spend a holiday with your pet, but also if you decide to leave your four-legged friend behind. We have some helpful tips to ensure that nothing stands in the way of a holiday with your pet. But even if you decide not to take it with you on your journey, you can find valuable information here on how to find suitable accommodation for your little companion.

Taking your dog on holiday with you

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Taking your cat with you on holiday

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Tips for everyday life with a pet

Everyday life can involve many challenges: are you perhaps about to move home or do you have a last-minute appointment and you cannot take your pet with you? Following a routine can help give you and your four-legged friend peace of mind. We have put together some useful tips for you on how you can master everyday life and its challenges together with your pet.